Product Details:
Publisher: HarperCollins (October 6, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 006173098X
Product Dimensions:
9.7 x 7.6 x 1.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Editorial Reviews From Booklist * Starred Review * Iggulden follows the success of his flight-fiction guide to the restoration of adventure for children overprotected (The Dangerous Book for Boys, 2007) read with another humorous and clever yogalates ddl. This time, it creates a complex world in which fiction little sparkler-Peter Pan-like in his mischief, Ulysses-esque in its list which holds together three separate stories yogalates ddl. Tollin are tiny, nectar eating creatures of the forest with eleven ears and wings, but larger than the fairies used casually as Kleenex. They enjoy an idyllic existence, built up a factory for fireworks in the village of Chorleywood. Tollin falls into one of a missile, producing the most bang for the buck ever seen, and men hunting in the community Tollin use as fodder for their fireworks. Parts 2 and 3 continued Sparkler dangers and escapes from prison, execution, and a runaway balloon. Sparkler is a scientist-on self-made great fun to see him with the chemicals used for fireworks, to find herbs for medicine and the discovery of the first steam engine. Duncan-color illustrations and maps bring the world to the spiritual life. A note at the end comparing Tollin fate of child labor during the Industrial Revolution. There is much to think about and love in this beautifully realized world. Grades 3-6. - Connie Fletcher
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