Product Details:
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: RSMeans; 2 edition (April 3, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118099400
ISBN-13: 978-1118099407
Editorial Reviews Product Description To understand how everything, keep what's in your home, including kitchen sinkHow Your House Works strengthened Second Edition, that it pays to take an informed consumer pure math grade 11 workbook answers. The knowledge of the systems in your home allows you to control costs for the repair and construction and ensure that the correct components are installed or replaced pure math grade 11 workbook answers. How does your home the secrets of major appliances and almost every design element of your home reveal. Clear, colored drawings show you exactly how to put these things together and how they work and what to see when they work.Covering topics such as electrical, heating and air conditioning, plumbing, appliances, foundation, frame, doors, windows, and the second revised edition has a lot of information, with new chapters on sustainability within and outside the home, as well as new themes, including thermostats, vent-free gas heating, moisture and mold, and passive use of solar energy information heating.Illustrated on electrical systems, heating and air conditioning, plumbing, appliances, foundation, carpentry, doors and windows includes a wealth of other information, with new chapters on sustainability and outside the house features new themes, the thermostats are ventless gas heaters, moisture and mold, lights LEDs, switches activated by movement and passive solar energy utilization in a displayed range in color heatingPresented drawingsWith see-through, sectional drawings, which show you how things are put together and how they work, are the mechanism of home you the knowledge that you about the need Call a professional could save.
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